hcdev init

hcdev init [command options] <app-name>

Initialize a holochain app directory:  from a appPackage file or clone from another app. This will create an empty directory hierarchy with a minimal DNA file in dna/dna.json.  Note that you can supply a path for `<app-name>` and the base of the path will be used as the app's name.

expand_less hcdev init options

OPTIONS: --test initialize built-in testing app --clone value path from which to clone the app --package value path to an app package file from which to initialize the app --cloneExample="value" example from github.com/holochain to clone from --fromBranch value specify branch to use with cloneExample --fromDevelop specify that cloneExample should use the 'develop' branch

--package - Initialize from package: hcdev init

The --package flag lets you specify file produced by hcdev package or generated by the hc-scaffold to pre-populate your DNA.

--scaffold <path-to-package-file> <app-name>

--cloneExample - Clone from one of our example apps on github: hcdev init --cloneExample=<exampleName> <app-name>

The --cloneExample flag lets you specify the name of one of our example apps on github and will use git to download a copy of that app and will then clone it new UUID as a new app for your use.

--clone - Clone from existing app by path: hcdev init --clone <path-to-existing-app-dir> <app-name>

The --clone flag lets you specify a path to an existing app and will create a clone of that app with new UUID, and hence it will be a new app.